My beautiful garden!
Have you been able to find anything to keep you busy during this altered lifestyle? Being forced to pretty much stay at home has allowed me time to cook, read, spend time with my family (albeit forced at times), and now garden. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, that I'm getting something done and taking care of it (outside of my family of course). This planter above is a new build thanks to my wonderful husband. We have an ugly sewer drain in the back corner of our backyard, and with these heavy rains lately it's been flooding in that area. David suggested we try to cover up that area with this planter, and wow! It's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
In it we were able to plant Romaine and red leaf lettuces, zucchini, spinach, tomatillos, banana peppers, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts. This planter was designed to match the planters which you can see below that David built last year for our deck. Up in those planters we have cucumbers and tomatoes. Then in the surrounding pots we have a variety of herbs, a few that were started from seed, jalapeƱos, and green peppers. I am so excited for our garden this year! We planted veggies that everyone likes and that we eat on a regular basis! I will post progress of our garden periodically throughout the summer. In the fall, we will dry out the herbs and begin canning some of the peppers. Can't wait for that either!!!
I hope amidst all of this you are able to find something that gives you solace and comfort. Gardening is also very peaceful for me. I can sit out on our deck and enjoy the quiet, look at the beautiful God-given plants and flowers and say, "I have a part in their growing."
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