There's no doubt this Mother's Day will be a lot different for all of us that those of years past. We would start the day by going to church, enjoying our time together with our friends and God. Later in the day, our parents would come over for dinner, perhaps a BBQ if the weather was nice. Unfortunately I normally don't get to spend the day with my stepchildren, but we are lucky this year, because this is our weekend, and I will be able to enjoy them being home. Having them home is gift enough for me.

What will this year look like? We improvise! In order for us to see our moms and the kids to see their grandmas we will "drive by", blow kisses, and wave to our moms and grandmas. Since the kids are home the weekend of Mother's Day, we will celebrate on Saturday. It means so much to our moms, to see their grandkids, and we still want that to be special for them.
I'm not going to like, this time has been different and difficult for so many reasons, but we are doing the best we can to navigate this journey.
In case you are stuck, and still want to make this day special for your mom, but just don't know how? I will share a few easy suggestions for you to be able to do just that.
Mother's Day Ideas during Shelter-in-Place
1) Don't cook, support your local business for "curbside" pick-up or delivery. Want to provide a meal for your mom at her house? Order dinner for her (and your dad, of course) from her local favorite restaurant and have them deliver. I've also known families to drop meals off on their family's doorstep, so that's always a possibility.
2) Sad about not being able to eat together as a family? FaceTime during dinner. Connect with mom virtually while sharing a meal together.
3) Make cards/posters for mom! Create a homemade card or poster for your mom and drop it off with dinner, or hold up the poster as you drive by and wave. Bring mom some beautiful flowers too to brighten her day.
4) Create a "care package" for mom putting together some of her favorite treats. You can include her favorite snacks, gift card for a local restaurant, chocolates, comfy slippers, manicure set or relaxing bath items, or anything else that would be some of mom's indulgences.
5) Be artistic! Have your kids create an "Art Walk" on your mom's sidewalk with inspirational mom messages of love and support. Mom will love to read these and your kids will have fun making these artistic drawings for grandma. The bonus will be getting covered in chalk dust, NOT!
I hope these ideas help give you some inspiration for making the most out of this Mother's Day. While it will be different, we will make the best of it the way we know how! It will be special regardless of what you do, because hey, you're a mom (or mom figure), and YOU ARE A SUPERHERO!
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