Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Last Day of School

    What a year!  This seems like it's been the never ending school year, it just kept going on and on and on.  Last night at dinner, we were talking about parent-teacher conferences, and we couldn't remember how long ago they were.  My husband said it seemed like they were three years ago.  Please tell me I am not the only one who feels this way.  
This school past year, or mostly the last three months, our homes were turned into schools, offices, learning centers, places for hosting meetings, bedrooms turned into offices, all the while still being our home.  We were forced to juggle eLearning, be teachers, moms, dads, office employees, and anything else we needed to be.  And now the year of the school year is here...FINALLY!  But how does it feel for our kids?

    "It feels like we've been on summer vacation."  "We've been home since March, so it's fine."  "Nothing's going to change other than I don't have work to do."  These are some of the responses my kids gave me when asking them how if feels to finally be finished with the school year.  I can't imagine how they are really feeling.  I am sure there are many mixed emotions, but I know they have enjoyed being home all of this time.  In this same conversation, they were wondering how their school year would look like in the fall.  I did my best to share some of the CDC guidelines that we've been hearing about.  Who knows?  Things will be different for a VERY long time, I am sure.
    I've posted about graduations before, but as the year comes to an end, I am extremely empathetic to all the graduates of 2020.  We have two in our house, our daughter graduating from 8th grade, and our 5th grader promoting to 6th (moving to the middle school next year.)  The schools have done a tremendous job of doing things virtually, but something is missing.  It's not the same.  We are doing our best to celebrate their accomplishments and do what we can to make this as special for them as possible!  It's a journey, and definitely not an easy one, but we are a family and we are together, and that's what's most important!
    To all who's school years are coming to an end...HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!!  You've earned it!


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