Saturday, June 20, 2020

Limited technology...what are we thinking?

Yep, you read that correctly.  We have given our children access to limited technology in our house.  What exactly does that mean?  Well, with the exception of TV, they are given 30 minutes each day to play on their devise.  This could be their phone, iPad, gaming system, tablet, etc.  You must have read that thinking, seriously???  Are you nuts???  

Let me take you back a few years to when I was a kid (not so long ago 😂).  During the summer months, my best friend and I were constantly outside, riding our bikes, making up gymnastics routines in her backyard, listening to whatever cassette tapes we had, using our imaginations.  I'm not naive and I realize things were quite a bit different just a few years, 30 years ago.  When I was a kid, we didn't have technology so accessible to us.  Heck, we thought CD's would be around forever.  Times have changed, and we understand that, but we as a family feel that now more than ever, it's so important to "get to know" one another again.  Communicate with one another without using a device to send a text.  Play together, go for walks, bike rides, go to the beach, play games, make up games, most importantly HAVE FUN!!  

Now that our kids are officially in summer break, we started this new policy last Monday.  We're coming to the end of our first week.  So, what are some of the things we've done so far?  Played a variety of board games, played bags, gone on walks and bike rides, made some great meals, helped members of our community through our church, used our imaginations, practiced baseball and softball, both pitching and hitting, learned new things about each other, and worked on many projects around the house.  

Trust me, there have been some days where I'd love for the kids to be "babysat" by their devices, but honestly, where is the personal connection?  Where is that time when one of the kids asks a random question, but is so interested in learning more?  I wouldn't want to trade in those small moments for anything.  Sometimes these little moments force ourselves as parents to step back and admire our four gifts from God.  I know I am able to appreciate their joys, talk through their concerns, and I'm quite enjoying this!  No one has complained (outloud) to us yet, but we will see!! This could end up being a VERY long summer.


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