Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Off Days

We all have them, especially lately.  We have feelings of not being good enough, frustration, anxiety, depression, fear, etc., etc.  I could probably go on and on with the range of emotions I have felt and continue to feel on a daily basis.  As a person living with PTSD, this time is definitely not easy.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this time is easy on anyone. What I am here to tell you is that I have come to accept (it's taken me QUITE a long time), that we WILL have off days, and it's okay!  There are days when I snap and get upset so much more easily than others, or days when I just feel like crying all day.  Days when I don't want to get out of bed or just want to scream!  Sound familiar?

Please know, IT'S OKAY!!!  You're not alone.  We are all in this together and we have each other.  So what do I do to get through these off days?  First, I have am amazing and supportive family that means the world to me.  I do my best each and every day to focus my energy and my thoughts on them.  I am not perfect by any means, and yes, I do snap and get easily frustrated, but I try my best.

Next, I pray!  God is my refuge, and I turn to him for guidance throughout my journey.  Looking to God and surrendering my fears to God can be a tremendous weight being lifted knowing that he is always with me.  I often think of the last verse of the Footprints poem,

"He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you

Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

-Mary Stevenson

This is so powerful.  God always has my back, he has your back.  He will never let you down.  God asks for one thing in return, for us to put him above all else.  Allowing God back into my life has provided me with the fulfilling love that has once again made me whole.  

Don't forget to BREATHE!  Throughout my treatment, breathing has been one of the constant strategies I have used to center myself.  Counting and focusing only on your breathing and depth of breathing is so incredibly important.

And finally for the fun stuff...as you can see from this blog, I LOVE to cook.  Cooking has become an outlet for me to focus my thoughts and attention instead of dwelling on the negative.  You will also see that I LOVE to read.  Just like cooking, it helps me to escape, but also immerse myself in the book as the characters develop and the story unfolds.

We all have our ways of coping and living through the challenging times.  Please don't ever forget you're not alone.  It's okay to have "off" days.  We all do, and we all will.  Embrace them, accept them, but continue to focus on the positives and give thanks for all that you have!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It makes me feel less alone. I also suffer from PTSD i was sexually assaulted as a child by a family member. Not sure what yours is from but i hope you cab get past it. I learned that for me going to Catholic mass helps or now watching on TV.

    1. Camille, you're welcome. I can definitely tell you, you are not alone. I am so sorry that happened to you as a child. While our stories are different, please know that you are extremely brave for speaking out and finding the things that gives you peace. You are strong and a fighter!
