Such a Fun Age is Kiley Reid's debut novel, and I must say I'm ready for her next one. The main character in this coming of age novel, Emira Tucker, has been hired as a babysitter for a fairly affluent family who is adjusting to life in Pennsylvania from New York City. Shortly into the book, Emira is faced with the possible charge of kidnapping and then dealing with the effects of that night throughout the book. Simultaneously we learn the story of Mrs. Alix Chamberlain, Emira's boss, and her process of dealing with the potential kidnapping while trying to still be as successful in PA as she was in NYC.
While I did not directly relate to Emira and her story as a 25 year old not really knowing what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, but I find myself in that situation now as a 41 year old. I'm at a point in my life that after 18 years of teaching or being an administrator, I'm in need of a change. Over the past year I've become a stay at home mom largely in part to my PTSD diagnosis, but as the healing process continues, I'm getting ready to find a new path for my career. What that will be I'm not yet sure, but I continue to pray for guidance and support each day.
Emira's story is quite different. While she doesn't know what she wants to do, she realizes she needs a steady job that will offer her benefits. In the book she turns 26, and at that point, she believes she will no longer be able to babysit even though she has fallen in love with Briar, or will she?
I believe you will truly enjoy this book. For me, it was a book I couldn't put down. Every chance I had, I wanted to read more. I'd be falling asleep at night, nodding my head, trying to finish a chapter because I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. Reid developed her characters throughout the book in a way that was easy to identify with them. If this book is not on your list of "To Be Read" I suggest you add it! You will enjoy it!
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