Sunday, June 21, 2020

DIY Project - Bookcase

    Since I've been enjoying reading so much, I asked David if we could get a bookcase for me to store my books/cookbooks, and trinkets of course.  😀 When I mentioned this to him, he was on the hunt looking for ideas or inspiration of any kind.  He also had the thought of going to one of our favorite places, Upscale Rummage Sale, to look for a bookcase we could rejuvenate into something new.  I couldn't articulate what I wanted when looking at plans for building one from scratch, so we went to the rummage sale shop.  As a side note, we love this place for a variety of reasons.  First, they have great quality items at a great price.  Sometimes you really have to dig and use your imagination, but if you take your time, you'll find something you are looking for to redo and make your own.  We've found desks, a dresser, table, bookcase, and many other items there that we've taken and redone.  Second, their proceeds get donated to local charities.  Signs are posted throughout the store highlighting the organizations who benefit from them.  

    When we head out to Upscale Rummage Sale, we try not to go with high expectations, why?  We don't want to be too disappointed if we don't find anything.  We may have a piece of furniture in mind that we are looking for, but we try to think outside of the box looking at similar items to possibly transform these items into what we need.  The bookcase we purchased actually had two overlapping doors and was varnished in a dark wood tone.  This is what I mean about thinking outside of the box.  We were able to see past those things and visualize how we wanted the bookcase to look.  We were able to find this bookcase for $35!!!  It was a steal, and in great condition, made of solid wood.  Dang, this thing sure is heavy!

    I knew I wanted a pop of color, for this bookcase to stand out.  And stand out it does, but it's gorgeous!  David had the idea of making it two tone, so the inside is a creamy white, while the outside is teal (our living room chairs have some teal in them).  I LOVE IT!!!!  We used Rustoleum Chalk paint, which can be tricky and it needs a few coats even with primer, but it sure turned out great!  I'll let you guys decide.  I just wish I had a before picture. 😒 One thing I can do is show you the piece of furniture we replaced with the bookcase.  The ladder was also something we transformed into a bookshelf, and it was one of our first projects.  I am thrilled with the results of the bookcase.  

Something old...

Something new!

    Our next project will be a bedroom set for Emma, I can't wait to see what we will find!
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