Friday, June 5, 2020

One of those days...

    I would not be remiss if I didn't touch on the events that have transpired over the past week and a half.  Our nation has been deeply touched, moved, enveloped by the senseless and traumatic death of a man in Minneapolis.  This happens unfortunately more often than not.  Many of us feel so entitled and privileged, and will often take for granted the many things we have in our lives.  We live inside of a bubble and do not see beyond that bubble and what happens around us.  When I was teaching, I was blessed to teach in many affluent areas, but something I quickly learned from doing so, the many children I thought never had a worry in the world.  They didn't have to worry about having a roof over their head, enough food to eat, or clothes to wear.  There are many who have these worries each and every day, adding in the factor of still not being treated as an equal.  Our nation's history has been plagued with injustices since it began, and there is still much to learn and much to do! 

    We've been seeing everywhere on social media and the news that Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter, and the constant daily situations that arise causing mass injustices for so many people, causing many of us to be numb.  I completely agree with the many protests that are happening, as we have the right to share our feelings as a free nation, but once these protests turn violent, how is that helping anyone?  How does that convey the message of liberty and justice for all, other than causing more harm than good?  I understand these are hypothetical questions, and I'm not looking for answers, but these things have forced me to think.

    The title of this post is "One of those days," because that's just what it is.  I've taken so much for granted in my life, and while I know I am blessed, there is so much to be thankful for.  I have those things that I mentioned above with a roof over my head, food, clothing, and a wonderful family.  While I'm in therapy for my PTSD, another blessing and a privilege in an effort to strengthen my treatment, it still makes days like these hard to process.  We get through, we survive, but I urge you, do not take your life for granted.  YOU MATTER!  BLACK LIVES MATTER!  WE ALL MATTER!


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